Title VI
The Small, Rural School Achievement Program is an initiative designed to address the unique needs of rural school districts. These districts frequently lack personnel and resources needed to compete for federal competitive grants and often receive formula allocations that are too small to be used effectively for their intended purposes. The program retains the Rural Education Achievement Program, which provides additional formula funds and flexibility in the use of certain funds to small rural districts. It creates a new program to provide additional funds to rural districts that:
SRSA provides participating LEAs with additional flexibility by authorizing them to consolidate their allocations under the Teacher Quality, Innovative Programs (formerly Title VI), Safe and Drug-Free Schools, and Educational Technology. It also allows LEAs to use their consolidated funds to carry out activities authorized under Title I, Teacher Quality State Grants (Title II-A), Educational Technology State Grants (Title II-D), Language Acquisition State Grants ( Title III), Innovative Program State Grants (Title V-A), and Safe and Drug-Free Schools State Grants (Title IV-A). LEAs may use consolidated funds to carry out activities authorized under Title I, Eisenhower Professional Development, Safe and Drug-Free Schools, and Technology Literacy Challenge Fund programs.
The Rural and Low-Income School Program authorizes districts to use program funds for: