TIGER Evaluation Model
The Teacher Instructional Growth for Effectiveness and Results (TIGER) model was approved by the TN State Board of Education and adopted by Lexington City School System as an alternate teacher evaluation model. Our model is designed to promote teacher growth and to ensure all teachers provide quality instruction that aligns with district goals and curriculum. Lexington City School System teachers and administrators played an important role in the development and design of TIGER.
Guiding Principles of TIGER Model include:
How are overall evaluation scores calculated for our teachers?
There are three components of teacher evaluation are student growth, student achievement, and TIGER (Teacher Observations). These combine to determine an overall teacher effectiveness score that ranges from Significantly Below Expectations (1) to Significantly Above Expectations (5). Our state’s goal is for student achievement and growth data to positively correlate with teacher observation data, and LCSS is proud to say that we have had a positive correlation each year since the new policy was implemented. This has enabled us to identify and model highly effective practices within our classrooms.
How has teacher evaluation impacted teacher growth in Lexington City School System?
Teachers are evaluated based on four domains: Planning, Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Teachers and evaluators refer to a consistent definition of good teaching by use of a rubric to assess the quality of teaching practices. This rubric is the same rubric used across the state, and it describes not only the teaching that occurs in the classroom but also the behind the scenes work of planning and other professional work, such as communicating with families and participating in a professional community. For each component of good teaching, a teacher’s evidence can support a 1,2,3,4 or 5. Our teachers, coaches, and administrators have spent numerous hours attempting to develop a common language that describes teaching practices and promotes continual growth. Conversations using this more specific language invite teachers to analyze their own practice and observers to inquire about the decisions a teacher has made in planning and executing the lesson. An evaluation system based on defined teaching practices has enabled our teachers to have a sharper focus on the elements of effective teaching while reflecting on their practices and making adjustments as needed.