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Jamie McAdams

Jamie McAdamsJamie McAdams is a lifelong educator from a family of educators and is currently the Director of Support Services for the Lexington City School District.  This position includes oversight of the systems federal projects including Title IA, Title IIA, Title III, and Title VI.  Mr. McAdams also has oversight of other federal and state grants including the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF), Innovation Acceleration Fund (IAF), and  has been involved in drafting and implementing the systems strategic compensation plan.

Mr. McAdams served as the systems attendance supervisor, a position that entails tracking student attendance and corresponding with the parents of students who become truant.  He is the chairman for the Student Discipline Hearing Authority (SDHA) committee and facilitates SDHA meetings when needed.  Mr. McAdams is responsible for drafting and submitting the system’s Extended Contract proposal and Safe Schools Grant to the state department of education.  

Mr. McAdams has served in this position since 2005.  Prior to moving into the central office, Mr. McAdams served as a classroom teacher and coach for fourteen years and as a building level administrator for six years.  

Throughout his life, Mr. McAdams has attempted to be reflective and glean bits of wisdom from everyone with whom he comes in contact.  Those “bits of wisdom” have become his core beliefs that help guide decision making.  Some include:

  • Education is a calling not a job.
  • Teachers are on the “front line” of education, everything else is support.
  • The “way” teachers teach if an issue of the brain but the “why” or reason teachers teach is an issue of the heart.
  • The greatest inequality occurs when individuals from unequal conditions are treated equally.  In other words, equal is not always fair.
  • “Be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath…” James 1:19
  • “Be sure your feet are in the right place, then stand firm.” Abraham Lincoln

Mr. McAdams and his wife, Cheri, have two children and three grandchildren.  They reside on a farm where they enjoy family gatherings and country life.  They attend church at the Palestine Cumberland Presbyterian Church outside of Lexington.  Jamie counts his most rewarding professional experiences as a facilitator of learning in a classroom setting.

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